
Roofing Articles

2022 Exterior Remodeling Trends

2022 Exterior Remodeling Trends

GLSA Mobley - 01/04/2022

Even before the calendar page turned to 2022, the paint manufacturers released their color of the year for 2022. Decorators declared the interior and exterior remodeling trends too.

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3 Reasons to Choose us as Your Knoxville or Nashville Roofers

3 Reasons to Choose us as Your Knoxville or Nashville Roofers

GLSA Mobley - 10/09/2020

We understand that when you need Nashville or Knoxville roofing contractors that you have many options. Not all Knoxville and Nashville roofers are the same.

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3 Things You May Not Know About Storm Damage

3 Things You May Not Know About Storm Damage

GLSA Mobley - 01/24/2020

Most home and business owners think about storm damage to their home or building as a need for roofing repair, however, it’s much more. Yes, storm roof repair in Knoxville, Tennessee is the most common type of storm damage, but it’s not the only reason you may need to call a company for storm restoration in Knoxville, TN.

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3 Ways An Old Commercial Roof Can Drain You Financially

3 Ways An Old Commercial Roof Can Drain You Financially

David Mobley - 02/20/2023

If you own a commercial business, you understand how vital it is to keep your roof in good condition. An old or outdated commercial roof can cause serious problems for your business and drain your finances if not taken care of properly.

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4 Things That Need To Be In Your Roof Maintenance Plan

4 Things That Need To Be In Your Roof Maintenance Plan

David Mobley - 03/14/2023

As a homeowner, one of your most important tasks is to maintain the roof of your house. A well-maintained roof can last decades and protect you and your family from the elements. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that it remains in top condition.

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4 Ways Damaged Gutters Can Affect Your Home

4 Ways Damaged Gutters Can Affect Your Home

David Mobley - 04/17/2023

Gutters are an essential part of your home’s exterior, and the effects can be far-reaching when they become damaged. Not only do gutters protect your roof from water damage, but they also help keep moisture away from your home’s foundation.

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5 Long-Term Benefits of Investing in Our Roof Maintenance Plan

5 Long-Term Benefits of Investing in Our Roof Maintenance Plan

David Mobley - 10/19/2023

Maintaining the health and longevity of your roof should never be undervalued. A well-maintained roof is your property’s first line of defense against the elements and significantly contributes to its overall value. However, proper roof maintenance can often be complex, time-consuming, and challenging.

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5 Risks of DIY Gutter Installation

5 Risks of DIY Gutter Installation

David Mobley - 07/17/2023

Gutter installation in Wilson County, TN, is crucial to maintaining a property’s integrity and protecting it from water damage. While do-it-yourself (DIY) projects can be appealing, it is important to understand the potential pitfalls associated with DIY gutter installation.

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Asphalt VS Fiberglass Shingles – What You Should Understand

Asphalt VS Fiberglass Shingles – What You Should Understand

GLSA Mobley - 09/11/2021

Roof shingles have come a long way since their invention. What started off as asphalt saturated and stone coated shingles is quite different now. In fact, if you’re truly looking at new shingles, you may want to know the difference in asphalt vs fiberglass shingles.

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Benefits Of Factory Training For Technicians

Benefits Of Factory Training For Technicians

David Mobley - 02/01/2023

If you are one of our clients, you’ve seen the results firsthand. The technical prowess and precision that drives these jobs is partially due to our practice of hiring factory-trained people, or investing in that training ourselves.

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Beware of Shady Roofing Contractors

Beware of Shady Roofing Contractors

GLSA Mobley - 11/09/2021

Although we often associate shady roofing contractors with Florida and other storm prone states, however, they’re just as prevalent in Nashville and Knoxville as anywhere else. There are ways to protect yourself so you don’t inadvertently hire someone who is less than ethical and professional or get completely scammed by a gypsy roofing company.

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Causes Of Mold In Homes

Causes Of Mold In Homes

David Mobley - 06/29/2022

Indoor mold can wreak havoc on the health and safety of your home. Molds are not only unsightly, but they can cause health conditions such as allergies, rashes, and respiratory illnesses in people who are exposed. If you see mold growing in your house, it’s crucial to your family’s health and safety to determine the cause, correct the problem, and have the mold professionally removed from your home.

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Cheap Roofing Isn’t Worth It

Cheap Roofing Isn’t Worth It

GLSA Mobley - 10/05/2021

If you’re tempted to call a roofing company who advertises that they have the best prices or discounted roofing, don’t. Cheap roofing isn’t worth it in the long run. Your roof should last close to 20 years, if you try to cut corners by going the cheapest route, it won’t.

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Check Out Some Mobley Brothers Roofing Reviews

Check Out Some Mobley Brothers Roofing Reviews

GLSA Mobley - 02/25/2022

You may be wondering if these are all Mobley Brothers Roofing reviews we just made up for this blog. They’re not. They are all excerpts from Mobley reviews on sites like Google, Angi, and Facebook that you can go to and read for yourself. We just thought we’d toot our horn a little ourselves.

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Choose Your New Roofing Materials With Confidence

Choose Your New Roofing Materials With Confidence

David Mobley - 06/03/2022

When it comes time to upgrade or replace your roof, choosing which roofing materials to use can be daunting. Many homeowners dread Roof replacements, but with the proper knowledge and an experienced roofing contractor, adding a new roof to your house isn’t as overwhelming as you think.

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Storm Damage Roofing Repair

Storm Damage Roofing Repair

GLSA Mobley - 07/22/2020

When you need a roofing repair contractor because of storm damage, you want the roofing repair done right and quickly. You want the roof contractor to work with your insurance company so your interests are protected and your roof is completely restored.

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Not All Knoxville Roofers Are the Same

Not All Knoxville Roofers Are the Same

GLSA Mobley - 07/15/2021

Hopefully you haven’t had a bad experience with any of the local Knoxville roofers. There are many scammers, unqualified workers and out-of-town companies advertising their services here. If you’re looking for a trusted roofing company who you can rely on for years to come with all your roofing needs, here are some tips on how to find one.

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Your Knoxville Storm Damage Restoration Company

Your Knoxville Storm Damage Restoration Company

GLSA Mobley - 10/29/2020

We were fairly fortunate that the remnants of Hurricane Laura didn’t leave much storm damage in our area. We saw some wind gusts and rain, but nothing like other parts of the country. However, just because we didn’t feel the brunt of the storm, doesn’t mean that in Knoxville storm damage didn’t happen.

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Offering Restoration Services to Storm Damage in Nashville

Offering Restoration Services to Storm Damage in Nashville

GLSA Mobley - 08/22/2020

If you have a home or business that sustained damaged from the storms that came through Nashville in the early morning hours of December 11, 2021, we can help. Mobley Bothers accepts all insurance claims whether it’s wind damage in Hermitage or Brentwood or tornado damage in Mt. Juliet or elsewhere in Davidson, Williamson and Wilson Counties, call us.

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How to Identify Wind Damage on Your Home

How to Identify Wind Damage on Your Home

GLSA Mobley - 06/30/2021

It’s been a rough year already with substantial wind damage in Nashville and some in Knoxville. When shingles are missing or you find them in your yard, you know your home sustained wind damage and you call your insurance company. However, not all storm damage is quite as easy to spot. Here are some clues that may indicated you should call a restoration company and your insurance company for repair.

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Do I Have Storm Damage or an Aging Roof?

Do I Have Storm Damage or an Aging Roof?

GLSA Mobley - 11/30/2021

That’s a valid question that as a Loudon, TN roofer we’ve heard many times. Once your roof is no longer new, let’s call that more than ten years old, the signs of aging and storm damage can look similar. Below we’ve listed several signs of storm damage and several signs of an aging roof, which may help you decide what your issue is.

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Water in Your Home May Not Be Your Shingles

Water in Your Home May Not Be Your Shingles

GLSA Mobley - 03/20/2021

We often make the assumption that water in our home, especially on our ceiling, is a roof leak. Although that is often the issue, as a Nashville roof repair company, we know the roof itself isn’t always the reason behind the leak.

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Vinyl Siding: A New Solution for Old Problems

Vinyl Siding: A New Solution for Old Problems

David Mobley - 06/15/2023

Vinyl siding is a popular choice for homeowners looking to update the exterior of their homes. It’s a low-maintenance option that is known for its affordability and durability. With this exterior covering, you can boost curb appeal.

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Top Culprits Behind Common Siding Problems

Top Culprits Behind Common Siding Problems

GLSA Mobley - 11/30/2020

There are some common siding problems that serve as the top culprits behind the deterioration of your home’s outside barrier. The siding is an important part of your home’s protective exterior.

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Reasons Siding Installation isn’t a DIY Job

Reasons Siding Installation isn’t a DIY Job

GLSA Mobley - 01/12/2022

There are reasons there are so many results when you search “siding company near me.” The first is that siding installation shouldn’t be a DIY job. As a siding company in both Nashville and Knoxville, we’ve seen the results of DIY siding installs and we’ve heard the stories about the poor outcomes.

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Choosing Coordinating Roofing & Siding

Choosing Coordinating Roofing & Siding

GLSA Mobley - 10/23/2020

If you’re planning on new roofing and siding for your home, you may be wondering how to go about choosing the right color combination. First off, you’ll need to work with a good roofing and siding contractor in Knoxville, TN.

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Choosing Your New Siding

Choosing Your New Siding

GLSA Mobley - 02/15/2022

If your home has siding, no matter what kind it is, it’s not going to last forever. If you’re at the point where you’re looking at new siding, you may be wondering what siding color to choose or if you want to change the style siding you have. As an experienced Knoxville and Nashville siding company, we have some tips for you to help you choose something that will improve your home’s curb appeal.

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Commercial Roof Contractor

Commercial Roof Contractor

GLSA Mobley - 11/09/2020

Have you searched “commercial roofing companies near me” and come across companies that are no where near you? Whether you’re in middle Tennessee or east Tennessee, you need to call a roof contractor in your area. You want a commercial roofing company like Mobley Roofing and Renovation who can provide you with a top-notch roof renovation, emergency repair or maintenance no matter what your roofing material.

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Commercial Roofing Maintenance Programs

Commercial Roofing Maintenance Programs

GLSA Mobley - 03/23/2021

Most building and facilities managers understand the importance of building maintenance. However, not all see the benefits of commercial roofing maintenance programs as part of their maintenance budget.

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Commercial Roofing Mistakes

Commercial Roofing Mistakes

GLSA Mobley - 06/07/2021

Whether owning or managing a building is new or you’re very experienced, you know that the roof has an important job. As Knoxville commercial roofers, we have put together the big three mistakes regarding commercial roofing that we see.

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Consider New Siding in Nashville Today

Consider New Siding in Nashville Today

GLSA Mobley - 12/14/2021

If you’re on the fence about calling a siding company for new siding in Nashville, just do it! There are many benefits replacement siding brings. As experienced Nashville siding installers, we’ve put together a brief list of the benefits we see every time we install new siding.

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Differences in 3-Tab and Architectural Shingles

Differences in 3-Tab and Architectural Shingles

GLSA Mobley - 03/11/2022

If you’re ready for a roof replacement, you may be stuck trying to decide between 3-tab shingles and architectural shingles. Although both will protect your home and have a similar appearance, that’s about where the similarities end. When you talk with your Nashville or Knoxville roofing contractor about the type of shingles, make sure you understand the differences and why they’re recommending one over the other.

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Differences in Knoxville Roofing Companies

Differences in Knoxville Roofing Companies

GLSA Mobley - 03/26/2021

Knoxville roofing companies aren’t all the same. Yes, many of us perform the same type of work, but we don’t all do it the same way. In fact, few roofing companies in Knoxville, TN have the training, experience and level of customer service that we do. When you’re looking for a roofing contractor, here are some things you should look for.

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Do I Know if I Have Enough Attic Insulation?

Do I Know if I Have Enough Attic Insulation?

GLSA Mobley - 05/17/2021

Today we’re going to answer a hard question – how much is enough insulation? As a long-time Knoxville roofer, we’ve come to learn that not matter how old or new a home, it may not have enough insulation. It may not have proper ventilation. These two things work together to keep your home comfortable

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Do You Have a Chimney Leak or a Roof Leak?

Do You Have a Chimney Leak or a Roof Leak?

GLSA Mobley - 07/01/2021

We’ve said it before, water follows the path of least resistance. That often means that the water getting into your home may not be coming in from right above the location of the roof leak. In fact, it may not be coming from your roof at all, you may have a chimney leak.

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Do You Have an Emergency Roofer?

Do You Have an Emergency Roofer?

GLSA Mobley - 08/21/2020

Admittedly, that’s sort of a trick question. You shouldn’t need an “emergency roofer” because you should have a roof maintenance company. Your relationship with your roofing maintenance services company will build trust over time. That way, when there is an emergency, you won’t have to scramble to find a company during this stressful time.

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Early And Late Roof Interventions

Early And Late Roof Interventions

David Mobley - 07/27/2022

In a lot of cases, that depends on timing. If you’re being proactive in helping to keep your property in the best condition possible, you may just need some work on gutters or siding. If you let things deteriorate to the point that your roof is leaking, you may need a whole new roof!

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Effective Ways To Protect Your Residential Roof

Effective Ways To Protect Your Residential Roof

David Mobley - 08/30/2022

There are few jobs more challenging than being a homeowner. New homeowners are usually unprepared for the amount of work that comes with maintaining a residential property. One of the main things you need to focus on as a homeowner is staying a step ahead of serious repair issues. Common issues like roofing leaks can create a lot of damage on the inside and outside of your home.

Read More Ways To Protect Your Residential Roof →
Exterior Remodeling Services

Exterior Remodeling Services

GLSA Mobley - 08/19/2020

Because the real estate market is so limited right now, remodeling Knoxville, TN homes is more common than ever. Remodeling projects aren’t limited to just kitchens and bathrooms. In fact, exterior remodeling, like that done by a roofing and siding contractor in Knoxville, TN is popular too. There are two main reasons to consider remodeling your home’s exterior.

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Four Simple Ways to Preserve Your Home Roof

Four Simple Ways to Preserve Your Home Roof

David Mobley - 09/28/2022

Your home is a significant asset that you should always protect. One important part of your home that always needs attention is your roof. Regardless of the age of your roof, you must engage in proper maintenance techniques so that your roof can last for a long time.

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Benefits of Hiring a GAF Master Elite Roofing Contractor

Benefits of Hiring a GAF Master Elite Roofing Contractor

GLSA Mobley - 02/09/2021

Although it may seem to some that all roofing contractors are the same, they’re not. Whether you’re looking for Nashville roofers for a complete roof replacement or a company who handles all aspects of roofing in Knoxville, choosing a GAF Master Elite® roofing contractor makes a difference. Fewer than 3% of roofers nationwide qualify as Master Elite roofers.

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GAF Shingle Options – Part 1

GAF Shingle Options – Part 1

GLSA Mobley - 06/01/2021

In this mini blog series, we’re going to help you understand the differences in GAF roofing materials. They not only offer many colors of shingles, but also different lines all with various styles. As a Master Elite™ GAF certified roofer, we’re ready to answer all your questions, even those not covered in today’s blog.

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GAF Shingle Options – Part 2

GAF Shingle Options – Part 2

GLSA Mobley - 06/04/2021

In part one of our mini-blog series about GAF shingles and shingle lines we discussed the differences in 3-tab and architectural shingles and introduced the only remaining 3-tab line. Keep in mind that we’re a GAF Master Elite roofer. That means no matter what GAF shingle you choose, we’ll install a total roofing system and offer you GAF’s best warranty along with our workmanship guarantee.

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Holiday Decorating Tips to Avoid Roof Damage

Holiday Decorating Tips to Avoid Roof Damage

GLSA Mobley - 11/15/2021

In about two months we’re going to begin getting calls from homeowners asking for roof repair estimates. Without fail the vast majority of those calls will be due to damage from holiday decorations. However, there are ways to be festive without harming your metal or asphalt roofing. Here is some advice from the experts.

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Home Renovations Can Lead to Energy Savings

Home Renovations Can Lead to Energy Savings

GLSA Mobley - 05/24/2021

If you’re looking at increasing the energy efficiency of your home, you may first start with light bulbs and ENEGY STAR® rated appliances. However, the best place to start is actually outside your home. Your roofing system and siding could be a leading cause of energy loss. If you haven’t looked at how energy efficient your siding and roofing are, you’re missing out on savings.

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How Algae Affects Your Roof

How Algae Affects Your Roof

GLSA Mobley - 09/07/2021

We see it every day, black streaks down a roof that otherwise seem in fine shape. Those homeowners don’t call us for roof repair in Brentwood, TN, but they may need too if they don’t pay attention to those streaks. Too many homeowners believe that those streaks are just part of the aging process and can’t be helped.

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How Metal Roofing Enhances the Resale Value of Your Property

How Metal Roofing Enhances the Resale Value of Your Property

David Mobley - 01/18/2024

When it comes to home improvement, one of the smart choices a homeowner can make is investing in metal roofing in Wilson County, TN. Metal roofs are not just durable and energy-efficient, but they are also eye-catching and easy to maintain. This roof can withstand harsh weather conditions, making it a cost-effective and long-lasting solution.

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How to Choose the Right Roof Repair Contractors

How to Choose the Right Roof Repair Contractors

GLSA Mobley - 10/19/2020

Roof repair contractors are a dime a dozen throughout east and middle Tennessee. However, you shouldn’t trust just any of these roofing repair contractors. You should make sure that they are the right ones for your needs, not just today, but long-term. How do you find one that’s reliable and good at what they do? Here are a few suggestions.

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How to Hire an Oak Ridge Roofer

How to Hire an Oak Ridge Roofer

GLSA Mobley - 11/22/2021

There are many roofing companies in Oak Ridge. However, they’re not all the same. Sure they likely offer similar services, but you should hire an Oak Ridge roofer who can best service your home and roof. Because you don’t often need a roofing company, you may not have one you already feel comfortable with.

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Humidity and Your Roof

Humidity and Your Roof

GLSA Mobley - 08/08/2021

It’s that time of year when we walk outside and feel like we’re in a sauna. The heat and humidity are oppressive. We have shared several times on our blog how the heat slowly degrades your roof, mostly in the form of UV rays. However, humidity also can impact your roof, but not from the outside air, instead it’s attic humidity caused by improper insulation and ventilation.

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Is it Time for a Roofing Inspection in Nashville, TN?

Is it Time for a Roofing Inspection in Nashville, TN?

GLSA Mobley - 01/27/2020

We all remember the tornados that tore through middle Tennessee this past spring. The damage they did was devastating. However, did you know that since then we’ve had several wind events throughout the area that have done significant damage? If you haven’t had a roofing inspection in Nashville, TN or middle Tennessee since last year, now is the time.

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Is it Time for a Roofing Inspection?

Is it Time for a Roofing Inspection?

GLSA Mobley - 02/03/2022

As a leading Nashville roofing company, we’ve been busy over the past year. Since the March tornados and ice storm last year we have seen one weather disaster after another. If you’ve not had a professional roofing inspection since then, you should call and schedule one. There are other reasons it may be a good idea to call one of the Nashville roofing inspectors for a roofing inspection.

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Now is a Great Time for New Siding in Knoxville, TN

Now is a Great Time for New Siding in Knoxville, TN

GLSA Mobley - 02/05/2021

Depending on which groundhog you believe, spring is either around the corner or 6 weeks away. No matter when spring arrives, we know that our hot and humid summer is not far behind. If you’re looking for ways to save on your cooling and heating cost for years to come, talk to us about new siding in Knoxville, TN.

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Is Your Knoxville Roofing Damaged?

Is Your Knoxville Roofing Damaged?

GLSA Mobley - 11/11/2021

If the problem isn’t from normal wear and tear or an aging roof, you may have a roof insurance claim. If this is your first time dealing with a storm damage insurance claim, you may not be sure how to go about getting the damage repaired quickly and without further damage to your home or property inside. As an experienced Knoxville roofing company, we can help.

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Exterior Color Trends

Exterior Color Trends

GLSA Mobley - 07/22/2021

If you’re planning an exterior renovation for your home, choosing a new color scheme can be exciting and intimidating. You don’t want to make a mistake with something that you’ll be looking at for years, even decades to come. As a renovation and restoration company in east and middle Tennessee, we have seen a trend toward darker and bold colors of late.

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Keep an Eye on Your Roof this Winter

Keep an Eye on Your Roof this Winter

GLSA Mobley - 01/14/2022

Although we think about roof damage as something that more often happens in the spring and summer, winter weather is just as likely to damage your roof. Knoxville roofing contractors receive just as many roof repair calls in the winter as in the summer. Here are a few things that lead to you needing to call a Knoxville roofing company this winter.

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4 Ways Your Siding Protects Your Home

4 Ways Your Siding Protects Your Home

GLSA Mobley - 09/11/2020

According to siding and roofing contractors, your siding system is one of the most important components of your home. After all, not only does it improve your home’s curb appeal but it’s energy efficiency as well. However, that isn’t the only purpose of the siding; in fact, the siding can also protect your home from various kinds of damages.

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4 Ways Your Siding Protects Your Home

Maintaining Your Rental Property Roof is Important

GLSA Mobley - 02/21/2022

Do you have a Nashville or Knoxville roofer you trust to provide regular roofing inspections, maintenance and repair for your rental properties? You should know what local roofing company to call just like you know which HVAC or other service company. Few tenants have much interest in the upkeep of the home unless it affects them.

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Metal Roofing Vs. Asphalt Roofing

Metal Roofing Vs. Asphalt Roofing

GLSA Mobley - 05/19/2021

A new roof is an investment in your home. If you’re planning on staying in that home for a long time, you may wonder about the benefits of metal roofing over asphalt shingles. Although both, when properly installed, will protect your home from the elements, there are many benefits metal roofing offers that asphalt shingles don’t.

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Residential & Commercial Roofing Restoration Experts

Residential & Commercial Roofing Restoration Experts

GLSA Mobley - 10/07/2020

This has been a crazy weather year. We’ve had tornados and tropical depressions not to mention the regular strong thunderstorms and rain that’s normal for our area. A roofing inspection for middle Tennessee homes and businesses is highly recommended now, especially since Delta rolled through.

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4 Tips to Mix and Match Your Home’s Siding and Trim Colors

4 Tips to Mix and Match Your Home’s Siding and Trim Colors

GLSA Mobley - 09/28/2020

Your siding and trim are some of the most important parts of your home. After all, without it, your home wouldn’t have the curb appeal that makes it eye-catching and helps determine its value. With that in mind, it’s best that you pick the right siding and trim colors for your home. But how exactly can one do so?

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Roof Leak or Storm Damage from Ida? Let Us Help

Roof Leak or Storm Damage from Ida? Let Us Help

GLSA Mobley - 08/31/2021

It’s been a crazy weather year in middle Tennessee. From the ice in March to the flooding rains and now the remnants of Tropical Storm Ida – including a possible tornado, we can’t seem to catch a break. Roofing companies in Lebanon, Nashville and beyond have been busy since early spring.

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How to Choose the Right Color Siding in Knoxville & Nashville

How to Choose the Right Color Siding in Knoxville & Nashville

GLSA Mobley - 08/13/2021

Siding is a big part of your home’s exterior. It’s also something that once you replace it, you want to love how it makes your home look. Choosing the right color siding in Knoxville or Nashville isn’t easy for every homeowner. As siding installers, we have some tips to help you find the perfect color for your home no matter where it is.

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Roof Replacement Specialists

Roof Replacement Specialists

GLSA Mobley - 11/12/2020

If you’re looking for a new roof, you want a company that specializes in roof replacement. Not all roofing companies are the right company for a new roof. Just like not all companies are right for roof repairs. The company you choose should have training and experience in both like Mobley Brothers Roofing and Renovation.

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A+ BBB Rating: What It Means for Roofing Customers

A+ BBB Rating: What It Means for Roofing Customers

GLSA Mobley - 11/19/2020

What does an A+ BBB rating mean for roofing customers? A roof repair or replacement project requires careful planning and decision-making. You need to consider an array of important factors such as date, materials and budget. Another key element that carries a lot of weight in a roofing project is the roofing contractor.

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You Should Have a Knoxville Roofer Before You Need One

You Should Have a Knoxville Roofer Before You Need One

GLSA Mobley - 12/01/2021

Whether you’re in the city Knoxville or somewhere else in Knox County, you should have a Knoxville roofer you trust before you need one. That may sound like strange advice, but it’s sound advice. Mostly because it can be extremely stressful to try to find a roofing company you feel comfortable with when you have a roof leak or roofing emergency.

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Why You Should Only Hire GAF Approved Roofing Contractors

Why You Should Only Hire GAF Approved Roofing Contractors

GLSA Mobley - 10/22/2021

If you need a new roof and know you want GAF roofing products, it should only make sense that you hire one of the GAF approved roofing contractors. After all, you wouldn’t want the Kia dealership working on your Audi, would you? The same philosophy should apply to your roof replacement for its installation, maintenance and repair.

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The Importance of Immediate Roof Repair

The Importance of Immediate Roof Repair

GLSA Mobley - 10/24/2020

Although you may not always know when there is a roof leak, if you do, it’s essential to call for residential roof repair in Nashville, TN as soon as you notice it. If you’re guilty of calling multiple roofing companies in Nashville, TN to find a lower and lower quote, that’s not a good idea. Don’t put off the repair, rather, have it handled quickly by a qualified roofing company.

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Roofing Tips for 2022 from Your Nashville Roofing Contractor

Roofing Tips for 2022 from Your Nashville Roofing Contractor

GLSA Mobley - 01/06/2022

You don’t have to be a roofing contractor in Nashville, TN to know that 2021 has been a year of extreme weather. Not only did the year end as the second warmest year on record, we saw more tornados and extreme weather events than every before in middle Tennessee.

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Signs It’s Time For A New Roof

Signs It’s Time For A New Roof

David Mobley - 03/30/2022

On average, residential roofs have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years, depending on their wear and tear. Often, homeowners know that their roof is aging and needs to be replaced, but other times it can be tricky to notice the warning signs of a bad roof.

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Why You Should Hire Master Elite® Certified Roofers

Why You Should Hire Master Elite® Certified Roofers

GLSA Mobley - 01/26/2022

If you’re looking for a roofing contractor in Nashville, TN, you want the best whether you need a roof replacement or repair. When it comes to roofers, the best are always those who have gone through the process of becoming a Master Elite® certified roofing company in Nashville.

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Signs You Have a Roofing Issue

Signs You Have a Roofing Issue

GLSA Mobley - 09/20/2021

It’s easy to know that you need a Knoxville roof repair company when you’re missing shingles or have a visible water leak (or worse, a hole in your roof). However, there are also some subtle signs that it’s time to call your Knoxville roofer for repair services.

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Why Roofing Costs “So Much”

Why Roofing Costs “So Much”

GLSA Mobley - 05/07/2021

Your roof has a big job to do. Having a roof that’s in good condition is essential. At some point everyone needs roofing services for a repair or a new roof. Because it’s not something people do regularly or have a good frame of reference for, a new roof or repair estimate can come with sticker shock.

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Signs You Need Commercial Roof Repair in Nashville

Signs You Need Commercial Roof Repair in Nashville

GLSA Mobley - 02/05/2021

There are times when you know that you have a roof leak. Other times the signs that you need commercial roof repair in Nashville, TN aren’t so clear. If you’re new to owning a building or suddenly are faced with managing one, you might not know that you have a potential roofing issue.

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Signs You Need to Replace Your Home’s Metal Roof

Signs You Need to Replace Your Home’s Metal Roof

David Mobley - 04/27/2022

Thanks to its superior reliability and durability, metal roofing is becoming more popular in the residential sector. A metal roof can last for several decades or longer with the right environment and maintenance.

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Some Words About Roofing

Some Words About Roofing

David Mobley - 11/01/2022

Let’s talk about some words that customers use to describe Mobley Brothers Roofing and Renovation, because if you’ve read the blog, you already know how we are certified and what kind of roofing work we do.

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Steps to Take After Storm Damage

Steps to Take After Storm Damage

GLSA Mobley - 05/14/2021

When your property suffers storm damage, it’s not only disheartening, but can also be stressful. You want your home safe but you also want your insurance company to cover the storm damage. Before you do anything, look at your home and make sure it is still safe to remain in. If not, get out and take photos.

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Storms Damage Both Roofing & Siding

Storms Damage Both Roofing & Siding

GLSA Mobley - 10/14/2020

We’ve had plenty of strong rain and wind events this year. Some Knoxville storm damage has led to insurance claims. If you’ve sustained damage to both your roofing and siding in Knoxville, TN, call your insurance company immediately. If you don’t realize it until you have a water leak, call you insurance and roofing companies.

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Striving for Excellence in Roofing & Renovation

Striving for Excellence in Roofing & Renovation

GLSA Mobley - 09/03/2021

David and Mike Mobley saw a need nearly 15 years ago for a roofing company who would do the work right and stand behind that work. Today, we know that there are many roofing companies serving the greater Knoxville and Nashville areas that you can choose from, but few have the dedication to the craft, experience or training we do.

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The Breaking Point: 3 Things That Can Damage Your Commercial Roof

The Breaking Point: 3 Things That Can Damage Your Commercial Roof

David Mobley - 09/14/2023

Commercial roofs are built to last but they are not impervious to damage. Weather elements, time, and unforeseen incidents can compromise their integrity. Understanding these potential threats is the first line of defense in maintaining a robust and functional roof over your business.

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The Differences Between Roof Renovations & Emergency Roof Repair

The Differences Between Roof Renovations & Emergency Roof Repair

GLSA Mobley - 01/18/2022

When you have storm damage, your first priority should be calling your insurance company. Of course, if the storm did significant damage and you have water coming into your home, you may call a 24-hour emergency roof repair company first. The good news is that the work the roofing company does won’t impact the status of your insurance claim.

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The Importance of Roofing Maintenance Service

The Importance of Roofing Maintenance Service

GLSA Mobley - 01/12/2020

Whether you own a commercial building or a home, roofing maintenance service annually should be part of your maintenance budget. As a roof maintenance company, we offer semi-annual and annual roof maintenance because we know that it benefits you, the building or home owner.

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The Mobley Bros. Difference

The Mobley Bros. Difference

David Mobley - 11/29/2022

When you need a big roofing job done, you need it done the right way. Don’t settle for a mediocre company that might just do the bare minimum or covers the basics. You want the best company that you can get! That means a company that is trained, but also one that’s responsive.

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The Repair or Replace Dilemma

The Repair or Replace Dilemma

GLSA Mobley - 11/04/2021

Is it time for a roof replacement in Nashville or can you get by with another repair? That’s a difficult question to answer for some homeowners in certain situations. Of course, when your insurance company says your roof is damaged beyond repair, the decision is easy.

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Things to Do Before Snow & Ice Fall

Things to Do Before Snow & Ice Fall

GLSA Mobley - 12/10/2021

Although we haven’t had as harsh winters in the recent past as many years ago, that could change at any time. You want your roofing system to be prepared if we do. If you haven’t done your roof maintenance in Knoxville, do it now, before we get our first ice or snow.

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Tips on Filing a Hail Damage Insurance Claim

Tips on Filing a Hail Damage Insurance Claim

GLSA Mobley - 05/21/2021

Hail is one of the most common causes of roof damage. Luckily for most homeowners it is covered by most homeowner’s insurance policies. If you were one of the many homeowners who have a hail damage insurance claim but aren’t sure how to proceed, we have some expert advice from our experienced roofers.

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Tips to Help You Choose Your Roofer

Tips to Help You Choose Your Roofer

GLSA Mobley - 08/31/2020

Not all roofing companies in Lebanon, TN are the same. When you need a roofer, you want one who is experienced, reliable and, when necessary, licensed. Here are some tips to help you choose your roofer for residential roofing services in Lebanon, TN.

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Top 3 Causes of Roof Leaks

Top 3 Causes of Roof Leaks

GLSA Mobley - 07/19/2021

Although your roof leak my come from any number of reasons, there are three that we’ve found lead to more roof leak repair in Knoxville than any others. No matter which roofing company you call, they should do a thorough roofing inspection to determine the source of your leak.

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Understanding Roof Maintenance

Understanding Roof Maintenance

GLSA Mobley - 08/28/2020

Residential roof systems in Lebanon, TN go through a lot every year. From strong winds during summer storms (with the occasional tornado), freezing precipitation in winter and heavy spring rains, the elements can take a toll on your roofing system. You need your roof to protect your home and family and you expect it to do so for decades.

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What is Gold Star Roofing?

What is Gold Star Roofing?

GLSA Mobley - 09/13/2021

Although many roofers claim that they offer gold star roofing in Nashville and Knoxville, what does that really mean? You may think that there is an organization or association that grants this prestigious sounding title upon roofing companies.

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What is Storm Restoration?

What is Storm Restoration?

GLSA Mobley - 01/21/2021

One of the purposes of your homeowner’s insurance is home restoration. When you experience a storm, whether it’s a strong thunderstorm, tornado or remnants of a hurricane like Delta, you want total storm restoration in Knoxville, TN or Nashville, TN.

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What to Do When You Have a Storm Damage Insurance Claim

What to Do When You Have a Storm Damage Insurance Claim

GLSA Mobley - 02/08/2022

We’re assuming, you already know it’s safe to remain in your home. Assuming it is, you’ll want to take steps inside your home to prevent further damage. However, once you’ve done that, you may not be sure what to do next.

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What to Look for in a Renovation Contractor

What to Look for in a Renovation Contractor

GLSA Mobley - 05/17/2021

Whether you need a renovation contractor because your home needs some TLC or you have a storm damage insurance claim, you want the best company doing the work at an affordable price. How do you choose the right company? What should you look for in the contractor?

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What You Need To Know About Age-Related Roofing Repairs

What You Need To Know About Age-Related Roofing Repairs

David Mobley - 12/14/2023

Like any part of a house, a roof faces the test of time. It stands as the first line of defense against the elements, and it’s only natural that a roof can develop problems as years pass. Just as we take care of other parts of our home, our roof needs attention, too. For older houses, age-related roofing repairs may be necessary.

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When is it Too Late to File a Nashville Storm Damage Insurance Claim?

When is it Too Late to File a Nashville Storm Damage Insurance Claim?

GLSA Mobley - 12/03/2021

Last year was rough on roofing in Nashville. We had tornados, an ice storm, hail and countless wind events. All left plenty of storm damage throughout middle Tennessee. If you have noticed a few neighbors getting a new roof, you too may have storm damage.

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Why Get an Inspection Before Repair

Why Get an Inspection Before Repair

GLSA Mobley - 11/06/2020

Many roofing companies in Knoxville, TN are seeing increased roof leaks calls due to the many tropical depressions that have skirted our area. The winds and rain we’ve seen have left their mark on homes. As you look for a Knoxville roof repair company, make sure that when you call, you ask for a complete roof inspection.

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Why Metal Roofs Are Popular

Why Metal Roofs Are Popular

GLSA Mobley - 03/02/2021

The benefits of metal roofing are numerous. It’s also a very versatile roofing product well suited for both steep slope and low slope roofing. If you missed our previous blog about the types of buildings with metal roofing in Knoxville, TN, click here.

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Why We Offer Emergency Roof Repair in Knoxville

Why We Offer Emergency Roof Repair in Knoxville

GLSA Mobley - 08/18/2021

It takes a lot of coordination and staffing to have a team member on standby to respond to home and business owners needing emergency roof repair in Knoxville. However, there are times when you shouldn’t wait for regular business hours to call a roofing company.

Read More About Why We Offer Emergency Roof Repair in Knoxville →
Winter is Coming: Is Your Roof Ready?

Winter is Coming: Is Your Roof Ready?

David Mobley - 11/14/2023

Winter in East and Middle Tennessee can be harsh, with heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures. It’s when your home, especially your roof, needs to be at its strongest to protect you from the cold. A well-maintained and prepared roof can withstand the brutal winter, keeping you warm and cozy.

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Winter Roofing Woes

Winter Roofing Woes

GLSA Mobley - 01/07/2021

Most people think about the damage that occurs to their Knoxville roofing in the summer after a heavy wind and rain event. However, we get nearly as many calls for roof repair in Knoxville, TN in the winter as we do in the summer. This is especially true after a snow fall.

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Your Guide To Metal Roof Maintenance

Your Guide To Metal Roof Maintenance

David Mobley - 05/30/2023

Metal roofs are known for their durability, long life span, and beautiful aesthetic appeal. However, despite their robustness, they aren’t entirely maintenance-free. To keep metal roofing in Wilson County, TN, looking and functioning at its best, performing regular maintenance tasks is crucial.

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Your Exterior Remodel Should Include a New Roof

Your Exterior Remodel Should Include a New Roof

GLSA Mobley - 10/12/2021

If your home is of a certain age where you need new windows and the siding isn’t looking it’s best, you probably also need a new roof. We think that when it comes to exterior remodeling in Knoxville or Nashville that the roof is an often-overlooked element.

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Your Residential Roofing Dilemma

Your Residential Roofing Dilemma

GLSA Mobley - 11/02/2020

Although sometimes it’s obvious that you need a roof replacement, other times you may wonder if a residential roof repair is a better option. When you search “residential roofing companies near me” you’ll get countless results and depending who you choose, they may have differing opinions.

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Your Trusted Knoxville Roofing Contractors

Your Trusted Knoxville Roofing Contractors

GLSA Mobley - 01/30/2020

Finding a roofer you can trust can be hard (and stressful). However, once you experience the Mobley Brothers Roofing and Restoration team’s services, you’ll never look for any other Nashville or Knoxville roofing contractors. We’re your one call offering installation, maintenance and repair to asphalt shingles and metal roofing.

Read More About Why We're Your Trusted Knoxville Roofing Contractors →
Exterior Renovations Should Be Completed By One Contractor

Exterior Renovations Should Be Completed By One Contractor

GLSA Mobley - 08/24/2020

Hiring one contractor that can manage all of your exterior renovations has several benefits. As you plan your home’s exterior makeover, you may be getting multiple quotes from different siding and roofing contractors in Lebanon, TN.

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3 Gutter Installation Mistakes That Beginners Make

3 Gutter Installation Mistakes That Beginners Make

GLSA Mobley - 11/23/2020

It is easy to make installation mistakes if you do not do home improvement services every day. Your gutters play an important role in keeping your home safe and free of water-related damage, such as soil erosion and basement flooding.

Read More About 3 Gutter Installation Mistakes That Beginners Make →
Don’t Ignore a Broken Soffit or Rotting Fascia Board

Don’t Ignore a Broken Soffit or Rotting Fascia Board

GLSA Mobley - 10/20/2021

Most people think of their roof as the shingles or metal roofing on top of their home. And although that’s true, your roofing system is more than just what you see on top of your home. Your roofing system includes many parts.

Read More About Why Not to Ignore a Broken Soffit or Rotting Fascia Board →
Exterior Home Maintenance List for 2022

Exterior Home Maintenance List for 2022

GLSA Mobley - 01/10/2022

As a roofing company in Knoxville and Nashville, we handle a lot of roof repairs. Some of those roof repairs also required the work of an interior contractor because of water damage. We want to help you do what you can to avoid needing a roofing or other type of contractor for repairs.

Read More About The Exterior Home Maintenance List for 2022 →
Other Elements You May Need for Your Exterior Renovation

Other Elements You May Need for Your Exterior Renovation

GLSA Mobley - 09/23/2021

Depending on the extent of your exterior renovation, you may need many new elements. That means choosing new siding, gutter, soffit and fascia colors in addition to the roof color. No matter the scope of your project, you want the home’s exterior to look great when you’re done.

Read More About Other Elements You May Need for Your Exterior Renovation →
Benefits of an Exterior Renovation

Benefits of an Exterior Renovation

GLSA Mobley - 08/11/2021

An exterior home renovation can mean many things. To most, however, it’s a new roof, siding and gutters. There are many roofing companies in Lebanon, TN who can help with this, however, because not all are true exterior renovation companies, they may not know the benefits a proper exterior renovation can bring.

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Three Home Exterior Maintenance Tips

Three Home Exterior Maintenance Tips

GLSA Mobley - 08/11/2021

It is important to start planning with these three home exterior maintenance tips as year-end approaches. This will help ensure that your home is ready for the cooler temperatures outdoors and up-to-date with the latest seasonal trends in your local area.

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Three Home Renovations That Improve Your Home’s Value

Three Home Renovations That Improve Your Home’s Value

GLSA Mobley - 06/10/2021

Although you may not be interested in selling your home, you probably want it to look great. When you work with a Knoxville home renovation company on exterior home improvements, you get the benefit of both increased curb appeal and increased home value. Here are three projects to consider for your home.

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Factors That Determine the Cost of a Metal Roof

Factors That Determine the Cost of a Metal Roof

GLSA Mobley - 09/21/2020

When you have your roof replaced, there are a lot of options to consider when it comes to materials. After all, you can choose between asphalt, concrete tile and metal for your roof replacement project.

Read More About Factors That Determine the Cost of a Metal Roof →
Finding Trusted Residential Roofing Services

Finding Trusted Residential Roofing Services

GLSA Mobley - 10/07/2021

When you have storm damage, you may need emergency roof repair. You don’t want to spend a lot of time trying to find residential roofing services in Lebanon, TN. It’s less stressful and easier when you already have a company you know and trust.

Read More About Finding Trusted Residential Roofing Services →
Understanding Storm Damage Claim Estimates

Understanding Storm Damage Claim Estimates

GLSA Mobley - 10/03/2021

As your home’s first line of defense, your roof is more susceptible to storm damage than any other part of your home. As such, you may have to schedule a roof replacement project soon.

Read More About Understanding Storm Damage Claim Estimates →
Our Superior Roofs Include Ice and Water Shield

Our Superior Roofs Include Ice and Water Shield

GLSA Mobley - 01/15/2021

Your home’s roof has several layers. When it’s time to call a roof installation company, you want to know exactly what their plan is for your roof replacement. It also helps if you know the primary elements of your roof.

Read More About How Our Superior Roofs Include Ice and Water Shield →
Nashville & Knoxville Roofing Quiz – True or False

Nashville & Knoxville Roofing Quiz – True or False

GLSA Mobley - 08/04/2021

We hear so many things from our Nashville and Knoxville roofing clients who think they know roofing that we thought we’d try to give everyone a short quiz. Take your best guess and then learn the facts.

Take The Roofing Quiz →
Paying for a Roof Replacement

Paying for a Roof Replacement

GLSA Mobley - 05/27/2021

Smart homeowners understand that the elements of their homes won’t last forever. Most of them budget for things like replacing their air conditioner and for a new refrigerator.

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A Rainwater Diversion System Protects Your Roof from

A Rainwater Diversion System Protects Your Roof

GLSA Mobley - 09/18/2020

Protect your roof with a rainwater diversion system as it is one the most important component of your biggest investment – your home. It catches the rainwater that runs off your roofing system, preventing your home from suffering from water damage as a result.

Read More About How A Rainwater Diversion System Protects Your Roof →
Roofing Contract Essentials

Roofing Contract Essentials

GLSA Mobley - 08/20/2021

When you need a new roof, chances are that you’re going to interview several Nashville or Knoxville roofing companies and ask for an estimate. When you think you’ve found the right one, you’ll likely ask for a formal quote and contract.

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Signs You Need Commercial Roofing Repair in Lebanon TN

Signs You Need Commercial Roofing Repair in Lebanon TN

GLSA Mobley - 08/10/2020

As a building owner or facilities manager, you need to take good care of your building’s roof. If you know the signs that you need to call for commercial roofing repair in Lebanon, TN, you’ll avoid major roof leaks and roof failure.

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The Advantages of Working With a GAF Master Elite® Roofer

The Advantages of Working With a GAF Master Elite® Roofer

GLSA Mobley - 09/10/2020

When you need a roofing project done for your home, never attempt to do it on your own. If you do not consult the services of a roofing professional, it could end up costing you more in the long run.

Read More About The Advantages of Working With a GAF Master Elite® Roofer →
The Importance of Roof Flashing

The Importance of Roof Flashing

GLSA Mobley - 06/21/2021

We all know that we have shingles on our roof. Most homeowners know about the underlayment and a few other parts of their roofing system. However, one that’s not talked about enough is one that is the reason for many leaks and that is your roof flashing.

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Why We Only Do Tear Off Roof Replacements

Why We Only Do Tear Off Roof Replacements

GLSA Mobley - 12/08/2021

Although most roofing companies offer a roof replacement and stand behind their work, there is still a different in a tear off and overlay. The differences are significant. An overlay is when the new shingles are installed over the old ones; a complete roof tear off means your roof is stripped to the decking and then new shingles are installed.

Read More About Why We Only Do Tear Off Roof Replacements →
Your Guide to Your GAF Warranty Coverage

Your Guide to Your GAF Warranty Coverage

GLSA Mobley - 10/12/2020

When you have a roofing system installed in your home, the warranty coverage is one of the greatest assets you have. After all, with the warranty, you can have your roof repaired or replaced free of charge. However, it must be clear that your roof has manufacturing or workmanship defects.

Read Your Guide to Your GAF Warranty Coverage →
Choose One Company for Your Storm Damage Insurance Claim

Choose One Company for Your Storm Damage Insurance Claim

GLSA Mobley - 02/28/2022

When your home suffers storm damage, the insurance claim process can be stressful. One of the hardest parts is finding Knoxville roofers, siding companies or gutter installers who will take your claim whom you can trust. Sometimes just getting several Nashville roofers to show up is difficult, let alone the other companies you may need involved as part of your claim.

Read More About Why To Choose One Company for Your Storm Damage Insurance Claim →
Do I Have to Use My Insurance Company’s Roofer?

Do I Have to Use My Insurance Company’s Roofer?

GLSA Mobley - 07/08/2021

No. Even if your insurance company gives you the name of a roofing company to contact, you do not even have to contact them. You are free to choose which roofing company repairs your fire or storm damage.

Read More About Using Your Insurance Companie's Roofer →
Do You Have Storm Damage from Tropical Depression Ida?

Do You Have Storm Damage from Tropical Depression Ida?

GLSA Mobley - 09/01/2021

Did you feel the air pressure change? Did you know that the center of the storm passed right over east Tennessee? Not only did it bring heavy and prolonged rains and wind, it also led to storm damage to homes and businesses.

Read More About Storm Damage from Tropical Depression Ida →
Storm Damage Insurance Claims & Your Homeowner’s Insurance

Storm Damage Insurance Claims & Your Homeowner’s Insurance

GLSA Mobley - 12/31/2021

Most people assume that storm damage to their roof, siding and gutters is covered by their homeowner’s insurance. And, to some extent, they’re probably right. However, you need to understand your specific policy and make sure you have the coverage you want for your home.

Read More About Storm Damage Insurance Claims & Your Homeowner’s Insurance →
When Do You Need a Roofing Contractor in Knoxville, TN?

When Do You Need a Roofing Contractor in Knoxville, TN?

GLSA Mobley - 01/24/2022

Most people are under the impression that they don’t need a roofing contractor in Knoxville, TN until there is a problem with their roof. However, an emergency isn’t the best time to look for a roofer. Neither is when you need a roof replacement.

Read More About When You Need A Roofing Contractor In Knoxville, TN →
4 Fast Facts About Asphalt Shingles

4 Fast Facts About Asphalt Shingles

GLSA Mobley - 09/09/2020

When you’re having a roof replacement project done for your home, you’ll soon learn that you have a wide range of roofing materials to consider. In fact, you’re free to choose between materials such as wood shakes, clay tile and even metal roofing.

Read More About Asphalt Shingles →
Advice About Roofing in Lenoir City, TN

Advice About Roofing in Lenoir City, TN

GLSA Mobley - 10/18/2021

As one of the leading companies offering roofing in Lenoir City, TN, we want to help you understand your roofing system and how to make sure it’s ready for winter. Although it may seem crazy to talk about winter when the leaves have just started to change and we’re still wearing shorts, now is the time to take a look at your roof.

Read More Advice About Roofing in Lenoir City, TN →
Can Your Building Can Have Metal Roofing in Knoxville?

Can Your Building Have Metal Roofing in Knoxville?

GLSA Mobley - 03/05/2021

When you look around you may not notice the increase in metal roofing on Knoxville homes and businesses and wonder if its right for your building. Most Knoxville roofing contractors will tell you that metal is the fastest growing roofing material.

Read More About Your Building Having Metal Roofing in Knoxville →
Choose Certified Roofing Contractors for Your New Roof

Choose Certified Roofing Contractors for Your New Roof

GLSA Mobley - 02/15/2021

There are many Tennessee roofing companies. Most follow the law and have proper licensing and insurance. However, you should want the people installing your new roof to be certified roofing contractors. Companies who choose to go beyond the minimum training and achieve a certified status with the manufacturers do a better job because they know what the manufacturer recommends.

Read More About How To Choose Certified Roofing Contractors for Your New Roof →
Choosing the Best Shingle Color

Choosing the Best Shingle Color

GLSA Mobley - 04/03/2021

The best shingle color for your home depends on several things. You need to know what your homeowners association regulations are as well as decide if you’re also planning on changing your gutters, soffits and fascia color.

Read More About Choosing the Best Shingle Color →
Commercial Roof Maintenance

Commercial Roof Maintenance

GLSA Mobley - 03/23/2021

Nashville roofing companies are busier than ever before. The incredible growth of the area in both residential and commercial roofing in Nashville means that there are also more roofing companies here. You should have a commercial roof maintenance plan with a company licensed to handle commercial roofing in Nashville.

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3 Questions for Your Potential Commercial Roofing Contractor

3 Questions for Your Potential Commercial Roofing Contractor

GLSA Mobley - 06/16/2021

As a commercial building owner or facilities manager, you have a lot of responsibility. One is the repair and maintenance of your building’s roof. If you don’t have a commercial roofing contractor in Knoxville, TN whom you trust, here are three questions that can help you find a good one.

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4 Ways Ignoring Commercial Roof Repairs Hurts Your Business

4 Ways Ignoring Commercial Roof Repairs Hurts Your Business

David Mobley - 03/15/2024

Running a business requires managing numerous challenges, and maintaining your commercial space is one of them. A commercial building has several components. The roof on your commercial building is exposed to the elements daily.

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5 Problems an Experienced Roofing Contractor Can Help You Fix

5 Problems an Experienced Roofing Contractor Can Help You Fix

David Mobley - 08/15/2023

When it comes to maintaining the safety and value of a home, one of the most crucial aspects is the roof. With the myriad of issues that can arise, roofing contractors in Lebanon, TN, stand out as experts who can effectively address various problems.

Read More About 5 Problems an Experienced Roofing Contractor Can Help You Fix →
Choosing the Right Commercial Roof Replacement Material

Choosing the Right Commercial Roof Replacement Material

GLSA Mobley - 08/23/2021

Choosing the right roofing material starts with a look at your building. Of course, choose the wrong commercial roofing contractors in Knoxville, TN or Nashville and you won’t have a roof that protects your building no matter what material you decide on.

Read More About Choosing the Right Commercial Roof Replacement Material →
Commercial Roofing Facts

Commercial Roofing Facts

GLSA Mobley - 05/11/2021

Commercial roofing can be the same or very different from a residential roof. If your commercial building’s roof is flat or has a very low slope, you’ll need a different material than you would need on your home. But, if you’ve managed a building with a commercial roof, you should know these commercial roofing facts.

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Don’t Put Off Necessary Commercial Roof Repair

Don’t Put Off Necessary Commercial Roof Repair

GLSA Mobley - 07/12/2021

As a building owner or facilities manager, you likely know when you need commercial roofing services in Knoxville or Nashville. In fact, you likely have a company you use for your commercial roofing services. However, if you’re putting off the inevitable, stop. Call your trusted roofing company as soon as you suspect or notice an issue. Not calling right away can harm your business in several ways.

Read More About Why Not To Put Off Necessary Commercial Roof Repair →
Hire the Right Commercial Roofers

Hire the Right Commercial Roofers

GLSA Mobley - 06/24/2021

Just like no two commercial roofs are the same, neither are the commercial roofers throughout Nashville and Knoxville. In fact, few commercial roofing companies handle both flat roofing and steep slope. You don’t want to hire a steep slope commercial roofer who rarely handles shingles or metal roofing, you want one who knows what they are doing.

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How to Find Exceptional Commercial Roofing Services

How to Find Exceptional Commercial Roofing Services

GLSA Mobley - 09/27/2021

Throughout the area businesses advertise roofing services in Knoxville, TN. However, not all are the right choice when you need commercial roofing services. Some only work on steep slope roofing. Others outsource their business to other companies leaving you unsure who is really doing the work. Your building’s roof protects your business, inventory, staff and equipment.

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Is it Time to Call a Commercial Roof Replacement Company?

Is it Time to Call a Commercial Roof Replacement Company?

GLSA Mobley - 11/17/2021

Although it’s sometimes very clear that you need to call commercial roof replacement company, other times it’s not. This is especially true if you’ve never dealt with the task of maintaining a roof. Of course, if your insurance company sees storm damage and recommends replacing it, that’s the right thing to do.

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Planning for a Commercial Roof Replacement in 2022

Planning for a Commercial Roof Replacement in 2022

GLSA Mobley - 12/27/2021

Are you planning for a commercial roof replacement for your building in 2022? If so, it’s time to call your commercial roofing contractor and schedule an appointment. This is especially true if you have a large, flat roof with equipment on top.

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Protect Your Commercial Roofing in Knoxville with Regular Maintenance

Protect Your Commercial Roofing in Knoxville with Regular Maintenance

GLSA Mobley - 02/23/2022

As a business owner, you understand the importance of regular maintenance on your equipment. You may even have a maintenance contract on your HVAC units. But what about your commercial roofing in Knoxville? Do you have a roofer who handles regular inspections and maintenance for you so that your roof protects your property?

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Why Choose Metal Roofing for Your Building

Why Choose Metal Roofing for Your Building

GLSA Mobley - 07/28/2021

As a Knoxville and Nashville commercial roofer, we’ve been installing more metal roofing than ever before. In fact, when a roof is suitable for metal, we quote it in almost every instance. This is because it’s a great roofing material, especially as we see increased strong wind storms throughout Tennessee.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Create a Roofing Budget

A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Create a Roofing Budget

GLSA Mobley - 09/14/2020

A roof replacement is a significant home improvement project to undertake. After all, with all the work involved, you can expect that this may be costly to complete. As such, you should create a roofing budget to help you pay to replace your roof with no problem. But how exactly does one create a roofing budget?

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Does Your TN Roofing Company Do or Have These 5 Things?

Does Your TN Roofing Company Do or Have These 5 Things?

GLSA Mobley - 04/07/2021

Hiring a roofer in Nashville, TN can feel overwhelming. There are so many TN roofing companies serving the area. Sometimes a roofing contractor in Knoxville, TN will also advertise in Nashville.

Read More To Determine If Your Roofing Company Does or Has These 5 Things →
Facts About Your Roofing

Facts About Your Roofing

GLSA Mobley - 08/25/2021

As a roofer in Mt. Juliet, TN we’ve heard some surprising misconceptions about roof leaks, roof replacements and roof maintenance. Today we’d like to share some of those as well as the truth.

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Finding a Quality Roofing Repair Contractor

Finding a Quality Roofing Repair Contractor

GLSA Mobley - 01/18/2021

With all the recent rains, you may be looking for a quality roofing repair contractor. Sometimes it takes a few days for the signs of a roof leak to appear on your ceilings, walls or even your floors. Although you can search “roofing contractor near me” and find countless results, not all are qualified and few really are local companies.

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How Long Should My Roof Last?

How Long Should My Roof Last?

GLSA Mobley - 03/17/2021

There is no one answer to this question. However, when most Nashville roofing companies are asked this question, they assume they’re being asked about an asphalt shingle roof. The answer most would give is between 12 and 25 years. Here is why roofers in Murfreesboro, TN provide such a big range.

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How to Choose a Roof Color for Your Home

How to Choose a Roof Color for Your Home

GLSA Mobley - 10/25/2021

Whether you’re looking at shingles or metal roofing, you’ll need to decide on a roof color. As a residential roof replacement company, we have a few pieces of advice to help you narrow down your choices and find the color you love.

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How to Choose a Roof Replacement Company

How to Choose a Roof Replacement Company

GLSA Mobley - 07/26/2021

If you need a roof replacement or roof repair, sometimes it’s hard to know which Nashville roofing company to choose. There are countless television ads, mailers and even yard signs promoting different companies. Choose the wrong one and you could pay too much for an inferior roof replacement or unnecessary repair.

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Looking for a Knoxville, TN Roofer? Reviews Matter

Looking for a Knoxville, TN Roofer? Reviews Matter

GLSA Mobley - 03/11/2021

Whether you’re looking for a Knoxville roof repair company to handles storm damage on your home or need a commercial roof replacement due to an aging roof, you can count on us. See what some of our customers have to say.

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Master Elite Roofing in Nashville, TN

Master Elite Roofing in Nashville, TN

GLSA Mobley - 09/30/2021

Discerning homeowners know that hiring a GAF Master Elite™ Roofing company is the right choice when they want a quality GAF roof. However, not everyone knows all that this prestigious honor means or why it’s so important to choose a company with the badge Master Elite roofing in Nashville.

Read More About Master Elite Roofing in Nashville, TN →
3 Questions About a Metal Roof

3 Questions About a Metal Roof

GLSA Mobley - 02/17/2022

Metal roofing has been around for decades. It’s common in many parts of the country for homes and businesses, but only recently has it become a roofing material of choice in middle or east Tennessee.

Read 3 Questions About a Metal Roof →
Cheap Metal Roofing Will Disappoint

Cheap Metal Roofing Will Disappoint

GLSA Mobley - 11/02/2021

Have you ever looked at two seemingly similar products that cost a different amount and chosen the less expensive one? How many times has that decision backfired and you ended up regretting it? This is true with metal roofing.

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Choosing Between Asphalt & Metal Roofing in Donelson, TN

Choosing Between Asphalt & Metal Roofing in Donelson, TN

GLSA Mobley - 11/04/2021

When you need a new roof, you have many decisions to make. From choosing the right Donelson roofing company to the material, style and color. Today we’re going to focus on the question we’re hearing more and more frequently which is, “Should I choose asphalt or metal roofing?” We can’t answer that question for you, but we have some advice that should help.

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Consider Metal Roofing in Knoxville & Nashville

Consider Metal Roofing in Knoxville & Nashville

GLSA Mobley - 10/15/2021

Whether you’re in need of a new roof today or in the planning phases, you should include talking to a Knoxville or Nashville metal roofing company. Although ten years ago your rarely saw metal roofing in Knoxville or Nashville, it’s now the fastest growing roofing material for both homes and businesses in middle and east Tennessee.

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Metal Roofing Myths

Metal Roofing Myths

GLSA Mobley - 01/20/2022

Whether you’re talking to a metal roofing company in Knoxville, Nashville or somewhere else, if you have questions about metal roofing, ask. There are too many metal roofing myths that homeowners believe that keep them from choosing this exceptionally durable roofing material.

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Mistakes Inexperienced Roofers Make

Mistakes Inexperienced Roofers Make

GLSA Mobley - 08/27/2021

If you need a roof replacement or roof repair, you may wonder which Nashville roofing contractor you should call. Choosing one with experience, manufacturer certifications and a great reputation are good places to start. A roof replacement is a big investment and as a Nashville and Knoxville roofing contractor, we do things right.

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Reading the Signs: What Your Roof is Trying to Tell You About Its Health

Reading the Signs: What Your Roof is Trying to Tell You About Its Health

David Mobley - 03/22/2024

In Middle and East Tennessee, residential roofs face a constant barrage of weather elements, notably the sun, rain, and wind. While these elements are essential for our natural environment, they can also cause significant damage to roofs.

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Roof Replacement or Residential Roof Repair in Lebanon TN

Roof Replacement or Residential Roof Repair in Lebanon TN

GLSA Mobley - 08/26/2020

When you call a residential roofing contractor in Lebanon, TN because you have a roofing issue, you may not know whether they will recommend a repair or replacement. Sometimes it’s an easy decision to replace an old roof. Other times, when the roof is older and you’ve had multiple repairs, you may wonder if a residential roof repair on your Lebanon, Tennessee home is the right choice or if you should replace it.

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Roof Replacement Options & Information

Roof Replacement Options & Information

GLSA Mobley - 12/22/2021

There was a time when choosing your new roof was simple. There were a few color options and only one style. Today you have many more options in color, style and material. If you’re planning on calling your local roofer in 2022 for a roof replacement, here are some things that will help you make the right decisions regarding your new roof.

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Call Today if You Need Roof Repair in Knoxville, TN

Call Today if You Need Roof Repair in Knoxville, TN

GLSA Mobley - 02/18/2021

Sometimes it’s immediately obvious when you need roof repair in Knoxville, TN. After a big storm you may notice missing shingles or water leaking into your home. How do you know if you need a Knoxville roofing company for roof repair?

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Don’t Put Off Your Residential Roof Repair

Don’t Put Off Your Residential Roof Repair

GLSA Mobley - 07/30/2021

At some point in every roof’s life, it’s going to need repair. Putting off necessary residential roof repair in Nashville or Knoxville can lead to big repair bills. If you even think you have a roof leak, call your Nashville or Knoxville roof repair company.

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Hidden Dangers of Ignoring a Roof Leak

Hidden Dangers of Ignoring a Roof Leak

GLSA Mobley - 05/04/2021

We understand that you may dread calling a roof repair company because you’re going to have to be home to show them the leak, spend money on the repair and possibly listen to a sales pitch. However, ignoring that roof leak can lead to much more than spending some time and money.

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How to Hire the Right Local Roof Repair Company

How to Hire the Right Local Roof Repair Company

GLSA Mobley - 06/28/2021

Do you feel stress when it’s time to choose a new contractor for any work on your home? When you have a roof leak, it can be especially stressful. This is often because we don’t often need a local roof repair company, but when we do it’s quite urgent.

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Is Your Roof Ready for Winter?

Is Your Roof Ready for Winter?

GLSA Mobley - 10/30/2020

Although NOAA is predicting a milder winter with below average precipitation, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be mild and dry the whole season. You should take steps now to make sure that your roof is in good shape or schedule roof repair if you know you have an issue.

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Reasons to Have a Relationship with a Good Roofing Contractor

Reasons to Have a Relationship with a Good Roofing Contractor

GLSA Mobley - 10/16/2020

There are few things more stressful than roof damage. That is, other than the process of finding a roofing contractor who you have confidence in. If you do some research before you actually need a roofing repair contractor, when the time comes, whether it is an emergency or not, you can get it taken care of easily.

Read More Reasons to Have a Relationship with a Good Roofing Contractor →
Roof Repair Isn’t a DIY Job

Roof Repair Isn’t a DIY Job

GLSA Mobley - 01/28/2022

Although there are many repairs around your home that are ideal for a novice or experienced do-it-yourselfer, roof repair isn’t a DIY job. In fact, when you need roof repair in Knoxville, TN or elsewhere in the state, call a professional for roofing repair services. Here’s why.

Read Why Roof Repair Isn’t a DIY Job →
The Vital Role of Your Attic Insulation

The Vital Role of Your Attic Insulation

GLSA Mobley - 05/01/2021

If you’ve ever had roof damage to your home, your attic insulation was also likely damaged. If it wasn’t replaced, either as part of an insurance claim, by your roofing contractor or by yourself, you need to do so. Your home’s attic insulation plays a vital role in keeping your home comfortable, but also the health of your roof and other parts of your home.

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Understanding Ice Dams

Understanding Ice Dams

GLSA Mobley - 02/02/2021

If you’ve searched roofers near me because you have an ice dam, don’t call just any of the search results that you find. As a GAF Master Elite Certified roofing company in Nashville, TN with another office in Knoxville, we understand ice damming. It’s rarely seen in this area. That’s why so many of the local roofers don’t know the cause or how to prevent them in the future.

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Wind is Often to Blame for Unexplained Roof Leaks

Wind is Often to Blame for Unexplained Roof Leaks

GLSA Mobley - 12/17/2021

Roof leaks are one of the most frustrating things to find in your home. Mostly because there’s little you can do to stop the water from coming in, especially when you don’t know where it’s coming in.

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Protect Your Roof from Standing Water

Protect Your Roof from Standing Water

GLSA Mobley - 10/01/2020

The gutter system is one of the most important parts of your roof as it is the component that catches the rainwater that runs off your roofing system. Without it, your home could sustain water damage that can be expensive to repair. With that in mind, it’s best that your gutter system remains in good condition to protect your roof which protects your biggest investment – your home.

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Structure And Planning

Structure And Planning

David Mobley - 12/07/2022

Well, there is the attention that you have to pay to the nuts and bolts of the situation, where your roofers have to be able to offer a professional fix. That’s for anything from a small leak to an entirely new roof.

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The Hidden Costs of DIY Roof Repairs After a Storm

The Hidden Costs of DIY Roof Repairs After a Storm

David Mobley - 05/23/2024

The spring season in Middle and East Tennessee can bring about powerful storms that can wreak havoc on your roof. These intense weather events can cause severe damage, leaving homeowners scrambling to find a solution. However, attempting to repair a storm-damaged roof yourself may cost you more in the long run.

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Tear Off Vs. Overlay

Tear Off Vs. Overlay

GLSA Mobley - 03/14/2021

Most homeowners get a roof replacement quote from more than one Knoxville roofer. They do this to find a company they feel they can trust and one who offers a fair price. As you’re reviewing your estimates, know that there are two types of roof replacement legal for roofing in Knoxville.

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Trust Mobley Brothers Roofing

Trust Mobley Brothers Roofing

GLSA Mobley - 02/04/2022

When you’re searching for a roofing company, you want someone you can trust, who knows what they’re doing and who will be there for the long term. Mobley Brothers is all those things and more!

Read More About Why You Should Trust Mobley Brothers Roofing →
Trusted Nashville Roofing Company

Trusted Nashville Roofing Company

GLSA Mobley - 01/30/2021

The proof can be seen on the many Mobley Brothers roofing reviews that speak to our excellent workmanship, high level of customer service and fair rates. If you need a Nashville roofing company for a new roof or middle Tennessee roof repair, here are just a few of the kind words Mobley Brothers Roofing and Restoration customers shared with us on sites like Google, the Better Business Bureau and Facebook.

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What Affects My Roof’s Lifespan?

What Affects My Roof’s Lifespan?

GLSA Mobley - 06/21/2021

Most homeowners understand that hail and wind can greatly shorten or even end a roof’s life at any time. However, many wonder why their roof doesn’t last forever. After all, no one walks on it, touches it, or otherwise uses it. Here are a few reasons a roof’s lifespan varies.

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What is the ROI of a New Roof?

What is the ROI of a New Roof?

GLSA Mobley - 07/05/2021

As we all know the Nashville housing market is hotter than it’s ever been. Whether you’re in Nashville or one of the suburbs like Franklin, College Grove or Mt. Juliet, all you need to do is put a sign in your yard that says, “coming soon” and your house will sell.

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What Should Be in Every Roof Replacement Contract

What Should Be in Every Roof Replacement Contract

GLSA Mobley - 10/27/2021

There are jobs you can have done on a handshake deal. Things like getting your grass cut every week or a window washing service. However, few other home improvement jobs should be done without a contract.

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Why Choose a Roofer for All Your Roofing Services

Why Choose a Roofer for All Your Roofing Services

GLSA Mobley - 11/19/2021

LWhether you’re looking for roofing services in Mt. Juliet or elsewhere in the greater Nashville, TN area, you should choose only a qualified roofing contractor. And, you want your roofing company to offer anything you could need for your roof over its lifetime.

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Why Choose Roofers in Your Area

Why Choose Roofers in Your Area

GLSA Mobley - 03/08/2021

There are many roofing companies that come up with you search for roofers in my area or near you. However, choosing one that is truly local can make a difference. Here are some reasons why it’s important and how you can tell if they really are roofers near you.

Read Why To Choose Roofers in Your Area →
Why Do I Need a New Roof Deck?

Why Do I Need a New Roof Deck?

GLSA Mobley - 10/29/2021

Most people understand that their shingles are installed on plywood. Although homes more than 30 years old may have other materials, today, plywood is the most common. In some cases, a roof replacement isn’t as easy as just removing the old shingles and installing new ones.

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